Progressive dies for forming and cutting of simple to complex sheet metal parts are used in practice precisely due to their various constructive possibilities. Usually the dies manufactured at the company HERU consist of several forming and cutting operations which implement the bending, forming, embossing from cutting out of the primary material. Particularly in medium to large series productions with small sheet metal parts these are used by our customers in sectors such as automotive, mechanical engineering, gas- and measurement technology and white goods.
HERU produces customer specific progressive dies on table lengths of up to 4000 mm. Already in the design phase, attention is paid to cost-effectiveness: maximum stroke numbers in combination with short tool set-up times as well as high service life of all installed individual components create an optimized die with a long lifetime.
Customers rely on our technology competence from several decades of practical experience of our designers and application engineers. The combination of technical know-how and experience creates the condition to implement the reduction of operating sequences, the integration of joining technology with application quality, process reliability and maintenance friendliness of the dies in a practical manner.